Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blissful Moments

It has been a few weeks since my last update. Now that I am off work, I am also quasi "off the grid" as I have limited cellphone reception and no internet.  It's like a Facebook, email, Linked In, etc detox.  It took almost three weeks but I am finally beginning to feel relaxed and it is blissful.  I practice yoga with my instructor, Amanda who has developed a series of poses based on my physical ability, my meditation practice has moved outside (dressed appropriately for winter) and have been lucky to be surround by deer....You can't buy that level of therapy.  I am reading books,I've had for years but never picked up and doing little projects that I've always wanted to try but never made the time. Now that I have figured out how to decoupage, I want to Mod Podge everything. I spend most of the time in the country, next door to my parents.  They have been a big help and also being closer to the rest of my family has been great. 

My last chemo treatment was February 13th and it was the longest day at the hospital yet; 6 1/2 hours.  My file was misplaced and there was a small miscommunication regarding my treatment.  A targeted treatment, Herceptin was introduced to the mix and I will continue to receive until next year. The first time, it is placed on a 90 minute drip to make sure there is no allergic reaction.  There wasn't a reaction so I hope the next time, it won't take as long.  The Herceptin can also play a number on your heart and I will continue having ECGs every 3-4 months.

Angela and Mirella accompanied me and God love them for sticking it out.  It was a long day but we had a best of a time as we could in the chemo ward.  Thank goodness I brought along plenty to eat for breakfast.  By the time we left, we had gobbled up most of it.  And as usual, when we are together we caught up on each other's lives and shared many laughs.  At one point we laughed so loud, the man next to us shot 3 feet into the air. 

The woman on the other side of my bed was receiving her first chemo treatment for breast cancer.  Of course at this point, I'm a pro and prattled on about my experiences and any tips/tricks that worked for me. She left the hospital craving chicken wings.

Sarah told me that once you know how your body will react to Taxotere, you are better prepared to deal with the side effects and it becomes manageable. She was right.  This time I started to take medication to deal with muscle/joint pain right away.  I took Advil, Tylenol, Robaxacet and a stronger prescription drugs during the night.  I believe I was "stoned" on Family Day. Being one to make the best of any situation, I wore a tie dyed Tshirt, played a little Jefferson Airplane and pretended I was at Woodstock.I believe the ghost of Jimi Hendrix visited me and set fire to his guitar on my coffee table.

I lost my sense of taste again, had the feeling of a film coating my mouth and lips swelled to the point that it looked like I had bad collagen injections but I wasn't plagued with mouth sores. Knowledge is power and I eliminated sauces, dressings and spicy foods and followed George's advice of drinking lots of club soda.

My last chemo is next Thursday and I can hardly wait!!  I'm going to celebrate by inhaling a great big burger, surrounded by loved ones

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