I have been hesitant to write about all the wonderful people in my life that have offered so much support for fear I may miss and offend someone. Everything that everyone has done for me has been greatly appreciated - From my family, my friends, my colleagues, my health care team; even people I have never met before, have been beyond amazing. The people I write about below only scratches the surface.
Thank you everyone - you all know who you are
WARNING - This is a long post and there are still so many others to thank
Family: I have been told the one of the last things a parent wants to hear is that their child has cancer. Imagine their shock when my folks called on the Saturday, after my mammogram to ask if I could sing in church and I am sobbing on the other end because "the lump in my breast is abnormal and they need to act quickly." Two days later they get another call from me, after half a bottle of scotch, telling them "the lump is indicative of cancer."
I have to give them credit, they held it together very well, been fantastic at offering anything I need and helping out any way they can. The problem is when they have spent the last 39 years raising a child to be self sufficient and independent; its very hard for me to return home for help.
The rest of the family has been incredibly supportive and concerned but the beauty is no one treats me any differently. After my first chemo, my aunt said "Too bad you were not staying here longer. You could help me clean the church windows."
My cousin Susie, who is the closest thing I have to sibling and her husband have treated me no differently either. Steven said my head looked like a big Q-tip after I shaved it.
Friends: The support of my friends has been amazing. Everyone has their own lives and their own shit to deal with, yet they have all been there for me. The day my Dr called me into her office, I was going to go in alone (I was in denial that the lump would be anything more than a cyst) but Laura wouldn't let me go alone and I am so grateful. After I got the news, I slipped on oversized sunglasses, walked right out of the office and sobbed in her arms in the parking lot. Not wanting to be alone, I went back to her place, drank all her scotch and sobbed some more.
In addition, Laura has been documenting every step of this tour by taking fantastic photos. Some may think that keeping reminders is an odd thing but I am actually quite proud of my scars, my bald head, and the bags under my eyes. I want to remember this year - This whole year is going to change my life forever and if remembering is making a cancer scrap book at the end, so be it.
I call Meta my Tour Manager as she has come to every Dr. app't after Laura started working again. She is like Sharon and I am Ozzy. In the first few weeks following diagnosis, I thought of reaching out to Meta, just have her common sense calm me down. We used to work together but it had been a while since we last spoke. How do you call someone up that you haven't talked to in months and say "Hey, Guess what? I have cancer and I am pretty close to having a melt down. So can you come over and talk some sense into me?" Then fate struck; she called me and over a glass of wine, asked if she could help in any way. I asked if she could come to an appointment with my surgeon because I needed someone to take notes. And she has been there ever since! She is the only person that can take 5 pages of notes during a 20 minute consultation and ask questions, no one would ever think of asking.
When I landed in emergency, Meta met me 10:30 PM at the hospital door, sporting a rock Tshirt and a mask (we still argue over the mask issue) and stayed by my side until 2:30 AM.
And every time I have a long day, bad day, get hit with news, etc; Meta's message is "Hey, you never have to do this day over again"
Kim and Shawn have been huge supporters. Shawn likes to refer to himself as my Roadie and has decided his role in the tour is to chauffeur me to my surgeries (with a cheeseburger waiting in the car, post surgery.) Kim has been to a few of my chemo sessions, educated herself at chemo school and essentially been on call if I need anything.
Angela has been the official researcher. After it was confirmed I would be receiving chemo, I asked Ang to look into where I could find decent quality, cheap wigs. Within two hours in the middle of a conference, I receive a text from her saying she found a free wig for me, signed me up for a wig hairstyling course and another workshop. After all her hard work, I decided that I don't like wigs and she has knitted toques for me.
Having gone through a mammogram and ultra sound for a lump in the past and it turned out to be no big deal, I didn't think this one was any different. Peter urged me to take it seriously, get it checked out by a doctor and made sure I booked an appointment. Thank God I listened to him because he essentially saved my life. Then months later after I started chemo, he came over for a visit but about 10 minutes before he walked through the door, I reached a fever. An hour later, he is taking me to the hospital. I have joked that he is bad luck for me but he listens to me whine when I have bad days and delivered contraband McDonalds when I was in the hospital.
One of the toughest moments to swallow was getting an email from my girlfriend, Vonda shortly after my diagnosis. In it she wrote "I am sad, scared and feel totally helpless (because I am not there.)" That was when it really hit me that having cancer just didn't affect me but affected the people I love. Furthermore, there were a lot of people in my life who didn't know a lot about cancer, myself included. That is when I decided that my blog would be more than letting everyone know my status but also to educate everyone that cancer isn't that scary. Even though Vonda lives in Montreal, she has offered a tremendous amount of support just by checking in. She has taken it a step further in educating herself and the kids, sending cute care packages with all sorts of fun goodies, including hand knit caps from Gracia. I knew I was driving the right message across with my blog when I received another message from Vonda, the week after I shaved my head. She wrote " You are so fucking cool. The kids are amazed at your strength. I am so glad they have a woman like you in their lives."
Cue the water works!
The list has been endless! Carolyn has been on call night and day; setting me up in the hospital and wig shopping. She attempted to knit too but from what I have heard, its best I stick with Ang and Gracia's handi work. Laurie took off my bandages after surgery. Gailene has stopped in to pet sit, with little to no notice; often hiding food in the fridge. Philip stocked me up with vegetable soup that I actually eat and introduced me to my super cool food guru, Linh. Elle delivered broccoli salad, lentil loaf and threatened my life if I didn't eat my veggies. Darren shaved his head as a sign of solidarity. Tammy, Carey, Tracey, Gisele and countless other have put me on their prayer list. Krista sports concert shirts, Jen supplies me with rock shirts, Mirella takes me grocery shopping and Karma "Hugs the shit out of me." Genevieve shaved my head and lent me some pretty cool wigs. Paul sends inspirational quotes, Eric and Pam encourage me to juice and Christian is my cheerleader. I haven't even scraped the surface of my support network. There are so many special people in my life
Work: After my mammogram/ultra sound, I went back to work and hid in my cubicle for the rest of the day, crying. By Monday morning I had to tell my bosses what was up and after I got the news, texted them "My Dr. thinks it is cancer. I am not coming back to the office. Going to drink." The next day, sitting in my cubicle with swollen eyes, my colleague, Puneet who sits behind me, asked what was up. When I told him my news, he said exactly what I needed to hear: "F*ck off....Whatever! You are going to pull through that shit no problem"
I wanted to continue working to maintain a level of sanity and a sense of purpose and Ian Martin Group has gone beyond accommodating. I received all the tools I need to work from home and through things like video conferencing I feel like I am still in the loop. My colleagues have been there to help and check in on me. I am very lucky to be working for such a great company with amazing people.
The other day, I officially gave my notice that I will be taking some time off as I am heading towards the finish line of my chemo treatments. I cried off an on all day. I knew that I wanted to do this but all of a sudden I felt like I had let my team down, I wasn't as productive as I should be and that I have become more of a burden to the company than a help. I have never "not worked" in my life so the thought of not contributing somewhere, actually scares me. I need to be busy and have a sense of purpose.
In addition to Ian Martin Group, my former colleagues at Holt Renfrew have reached out with their kind wishes and support. I met some great people and forged some strong friendships during the 15 years I worked at Holts as an employee and as a freelance artist. Miriam is one of my biggest fans - She is like my Cancer Coach; offering advice, checking in and reminding me that I'm going to have good and bad days but that I will get through this. In addition, I sport one pink ribbon- ish item from Meris: A black bracelet with one pink bead that she gave to me the day before my surgery. On my last day of Herceptin treatments (God forbid that will be the last "treatment") I want to pass it on to someone else in the chemo unit.
Cancer Vixens - I can't take credit for the term but as soon as I was diagnosed, I reached out to a few women who have been through treatment for breast cancer. Initially, I wanted to remind myself that I wasn't the only person who has cancer and that people come out the other end perfectly fine and carry on their lives. Even though everyone is different, having them share their experiences has prepared me for what to expect during chemo. Some of these women, I have never even physically met and I appreciate them taking the time to answer my random questions and open up to share a very personal part of their lives with me. Plus aside from my medical team, I tend to only follow the advice I have received form these women because they know first hand what it's like. Christine, Janet, Sarah, Laurie, Lee Anne and other women I have talked to are all rock stars!! I wouldn't mess with them - they are pretty tough gals to have endured what they have.
As this post is already too long, I will save a separate entry for my health care team at a later point after I have gotten better acquainted with some key players - These are the people I am trusting my life with right now and so far they are doing an awesome job.
I think back to November's chemo school and listening to that one woman who seemed to alone for her tour. I wonder about her often and how she is coping. I don't think I would be handling my treatments as well as I have with out the love and support of all the special people in my life.
I can't even count my blessings....
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I think this photo of Meta holding my hand during treatment sums up the level of support she has offered during the tour |
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