Side effects include: Water retention, changes in nails, muscle and joint aches/pains, some flu like symptoms, metallic taste in mouth, swelling of tongue, fatigue that usually kicks in by Sunday.
The morning started out as usual and Jen and Meta accompanied me to this round. I have now developed quite a reputation with the staff of bringing elaborate snacks. When the nurse asked if I had brought my anti nausea pill that I take before each treatment, I realized it was part of the prescription the pharmacist forgot to fill at the last treatment. I explained what happened and the nurse asked "So you didn't take it after your last treatment and you were not sick?"
"Nope and in fact, I am so tired of these bloody steroids, I didn't take those either" I replied as I stuffed my face with a cinnamon bun. She called my Oncologist and I over heard her say "Well, she is eating now..." The nurse returned and asked again if I had any issues with my last treatment (truth be told, not only did I not have nausea, I didn't have that stupid metallic taste in my mouth afterwards and I was able to enjoy my coffee) and she commented that there is nothing wrong with my appetite and we decided to forgo the yellow, foot ball shaped pill.
The unique thing about this treatment is that I have to wear oven mitts on my hands and feet to keep them cold through out the whole treatment. It apparently will help with the nail changes expected to occur with this cocktail. Its rather annoying and I obviously didn't take the gloves into consideration when I purchased icing covered cinnamon buns and a fruit platter for snacks. Jen refused to spoon feed me.
Just before I put on the gloves, I called up my cousin Krista. She was scheduled to attend but couldn't because of a cold. She felt so bad that I decided to make her feel like she was there.
Everything went smoothly and I returned home but not without a quick pit stop at McDonalds.
The first few days I felt fine, ran errands, visited with friends. Heck, I even juiced broccoli and drank it. I never heard from my home care nurse and ended up even giving myself the injection. Easy peasy
By Sunday, I thought I was in the clear with regards to the side effects but by Sunday evening, I felt like I had been kicked over and over again by a pair of steel toe boots. Everything in my body ached, the prescribed pain killers did nothing and I maybe fell asleep for an hour by 4 AM.
I even had to take a sick day from work on the Monday and spent my time trying to sleep between my bed and the floor. Then the metallic taste returned, stronger than ever. Crap....
My quirky, positive attitude can only last so long under these circumstances and by Tuesday I felt a wave of bitchiness overcoming me. I growled and whined to whomever would listen to me. However as the saying goes, "This too shall pass" and decide I just need to plow through. I was warned but my cocky self thought I was immune to all the nasty side effects. I hear it gets worse with each treatment so I just need to be creative in finding ways to deal with and not let it affect my time.
Suggestions have included hot Epsom salt baths, shark cartilage and heating pads. I am afraid a massage may make the situation worse. However, I am not opposed to hiring my three year old niece to walk on my back until it cracks.
I totally understand now why my Oncologist recommended that I take February off work instead of January.
These mitts slow down the changes to my nails...I'm so hot, I went through three of them
Meta, Jen and I
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