Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Birth of Vixens Victorious

Today something beautiful was born and officially introduced to the world!

Vixens Victorious – a fundraising organization, co founded with my childhood friend, Jennifer; is comprised of an incredibly talented and dedicated group of women who we have met and worked with over the years.  We support the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation by raising awareness and much needed funds to support research, clinical trials and vital programs that are made available to people whose lives have been impacted by cancer, within our community.

Why do I liken to a birth of a child?

Cancer is an ugly thing.  In addition to my own challenges during the last year and a half, I witnessed others around me.  In the chemo unit, I watched others who, while receiving treatment, seemed not to be handling it well, physically or emotionally.  Last summer, I lost a former employer and friend to cancer.  Later in October, I watched a young family bury a fellow vixen and just recently, attended a visitation on Monday for a friend whose father lost his battle with cancer.  I spoke with friends have been tested and some diagnosed with the dreaded c word.  They confided in me their darkest thoughts and fears.  Hearing someone you care about tell you they would prefer to “run away and die alone” is gut wrenching but when you have walked in their shoes, you understand.

But there is a positive side.  I have told you many times that cancer has changed my life…and for the better.  I want to help.  I want to do something meaningful.  As my chemo ended, I started to ponder about how I could give back to the community and the Cancer Foundation, which has given so much to me.  In the fall of 2014, Jennifer approached me with the idea of a film festival and Vixens Victorious was born.

This tour is not what I expected it to be.  At the start, I wanted to receive treatment, get well and move on; with a little rock n roll flair and humor along the way.  If you would have told me; that I would be launching a fundraiser in 2015, I would have rolled my eyes.  And yet here I am.

In fact when Christian was in town for my last chemo, he encouraged me to consider starting a fundraiser or non-profit….and I think I did roll my eyes at him.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was afraid to tell Jennifer.  Her mother had lost her battle to pancreatic cancer only a month earlier.  She had been diagnosed just 8 weeks before!  It was a difficult and frustrating process for Jennifer and at that point, she and her siblings were still in the process of settling affairs.  I didn’t want to add to her emotions, burdens or stress.  If you would have told me in August 2013, that Jennifer and I would be putting on a film festival to raise funds for the community, I would not have believed you.

Our committee is comprised of women that we have met over the years.  We have former colleagues – I worked with Vivian at Holt Renfrew over 10 years ago.  Paula and I worked together six years ago.  Team Captain Meta was a no brainer, as was my colleague Pam.  But I have always admired these women and they are an incredible addition to our team.   Emily has worked with Jennifer for a long time and her connections and talents will make the film selection amazing.  We have other friends – I have known Brigitte the least longest but we hit it off right away and I am so happy that she decided to join us.   And we are so lucky to have friends such as Laura, Moreen and Anne who are contributing to the cause as well.  Again, if you would have told me in August 2013 that these amazing women would meet, come together and commit the level of time and energy we expect from them in order to make Lights! Camera! CURE! a success, I would have said “not likely.”

So out of a crappy situation that some will view as bleak, desolate and dark; rises something incredibly beautiful -  A group of women who have also been affected by cancer, in one way or another, have banded together and will stand beside Jennifer and myself.  Vixens Victorious is our baby and we are very proud of our beautiful baby.  We have the same expectations as a parent.  We will love, support and nurture it, hoping that Vixens Victorious grows into something great which improves our community and subsequently, the world!

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