Thursday, November 21, 2013

One Down, Five More to Go

My theory is if you are going to spend an afternoon in a hospital, you might as well make the best of it.  Today went OK and I'm still feeling fine.

For the inaugural visit, Jen and Carolyn came sportin' their finest rock shirts.  We were the loudest group.  I snuck in some vino for the girls, had snacks and a great afternoon of chatting and catching up.  In retrospect maybe bringing Indian Pakoras, sour cream and onion hemp kale chips, cheese curds, etc; may not have been the best idea and any nausea may have been caused by my poor food choices.  At least I didn't bring wings which I am craving right now...

Actually, why did I bring Indian food to chemo??

The first order of business was reviewing the clinical trial I signed up for anti nausea. The whole goal is to not get sick...So far so good, although its only been 9-10 hours.  I meet my home care nurse tomorrow to check in on me.

I have a whole whack of drugs to take.  It's really confusing but its all clearly labeled

The first was a bag of red stuff (can't remember the name of which ones) and this is the one that can make you sick, lose your hair and pee red.  Almost instantly, I felt nauseous and they stopped the ride, gave me some meds via IV, hooked me back up and off to the races.

The second medication was the nurse using a syringe.  This one causes mouth sores so I sucked on Mr Freezies and the third was back on a drip.

All the nurses were wonderful.  They kept checking my name.  I know its to make sure they don't accidentally give me someone else's meds.  But I kept telling them "Yup its me!  don't think anyone else will steal my identity for this one!"

I met another young woman who is now receiving Herceptin through her Port.  She allowed me to watch how the skin is punctured to receive treatments.  I saw everything but the actual puncture.  Some things I prefer to remain oblivious to.  However, she had all the same type of Chemo and was on the clinical study.  She had a little nausea but no vomiting, gained some weight and lost some hair.  She has 3 tumours in her breast and due to whatever reason, is having surgery after treatments.  After one round of Herceptin, her tumours have shrunk considerably.  Wow - makes mine seem insignificant.

Within a couple of hours we were on our way with no issues until Jen cut someone off in the parking lot  Then horns started honking, I flipped the bird and almost got out of the car. Great...Right after my first treatment, and I start a fight in the parking lot of the cancer treatment centre.

And you know I wanted to.

I stayed pretty calm the day before until 5 Pm and as I was leaving broke down to my colleague and told him I was scared.  I have every right to be - I have no clue how my body will react and at the end of it all, if it even worked.  The past week has been a whirlwind of appointments, in addition to my own "prep work" and trying desperately to hold on to a normal routine at work.  I thought the day before, not having any scheduled Dr. appointments, would be easy.  My phone did not stop ringing: My Oncologist, nurses concerning a clinical trial I am part of for anti nausea meds, pharmacy prepping prescriptions and setting up home care, delivering supplies, etc.  I didn't realize any of this would be happening and again felt totally overwhelmed.  Of course having a constant nagging pain from the port and running on virtually no sleep, doesn't help.   Chemo brain has started before chemo for me

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